Istanbul 4D Results 06.45 PM (GMT+3)
Period Date Day Result Big/Small Odd/Even Mono Stereo
IST4D-004113 2025-01-13 Monday 7163 Big Odd Stereo
IST4D-004112 2025-01-12 Sunday 9046 Small Even Mono
IST4D-004111 2025-01-11 Saturday 8751 Big Odd Mono
IST4D-004110 2025-01-10 Friday 6632 Big Even Stereo
IST4D-004109 2025-01-09 Thursday 0594 Big Even Stereo
IST4D-004108 2025-01-08 Wednesday 1874 Big Even Stereo
IST4D-004107 2025-01-07 Tuesday 6563 Big Odd Stereo
IST4D-004106 2025-01-06 Monday 3209 Small Even Stereo
IST4D-004105 2025-01-05 Sunday 1847 Small Odd Stereo
IST4D-004104 2025-01-04 Saturday 5068 Big Even Mono
IST4D-004103 2025-01-03 Friday 3193 Big Odd Mono
IST4D-004102 2025-01-02 Thursday 0274 Big Odd Stereo
IST4D-004101 2025-01-01 Wednesday 5809 Small Odd Stereo
IST4D-004100 2024-12-31 Tuesday 2631 Small Odd Mono
IST4D-004099 2024-12-30 Monday 5171 Big Odd Mono
IST4D-004098 2024-12-29 Sunday 1309 Small Odd Stereo
IST4D-004097 2024-12-28 Saturday 2846 Small Even Mono
IST4D-004096 2024-12-27 Friday 1392 Big Even Stereo
IST4D-004095 2024-12-26 Thursday 7586 Big Odd Stereo
IST4D-004094 2024-12-25 Wednesday 4940 Small Even Mono
IST4D-004093 2024-12-24 Tuesday 3281 Big Odd Stereo
IST4D-004092 2024-12-23 Monday 8963 Big Odd Stereo
IST4D-004091 2024-12-22 Sunday 1745 Small Odd Stereo
IST4D-004090 2024-12-21 Saturday 7061 Big Odd Stereo
IST4D-004089 2024-12-20 Friday 5932 Small Even Stereo
IST4D-004088 2024-12-19 Thursday 8162 Big Even Mono
IST4D-004087 2024-12-18 Wednesday 0754 Big Even Stereo
IST4D-004086 2024-12-17 Tuesday 6921 Small Odd Stereo
IST4D-004085 2024-12-16 Monday 8273 Big Odd Mono
IST4D-004084 2024-12-15 Sunday 4151 Big Odd Mono


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